コノム konomu's notebook

This is my home.

I’m konomu (he/him). I made this place partly out of the passion I have for everything I write about here, and partly because I’m fed up with what the Internet is becoming. If this little corner of the web has any negating effect on the enshittification of the web, however small, it will have served its purpose.

Here’s a little bit about me…

I’m 23 years old (as of July 2024) and I’ve been using the Internet since I was quite literally 4 (I remember my favorite site being enchantedlearning.com). Somewhere in an old family album there’s a pic of baby me sat in front of a desktop PC in a chair that’s too low, computer mouse in my tiny hand, playing a Barbie flash game.

It’s weird to think that I’ve been on the Internet for such a long time. You might expect me to have a huge digital footprint, but the truth is I don’t have much to show for it. Most of my time online has been consuming other people’s content, enjoying other people’s art, and never really creating anything myself. I never aspired to be an artist or developed a strong personality online and in real life (or at least, one I was comfortable in). I’ve spent way too many hours on YouTube, Reddit, and Discord wasting my time and contributing nothing. Mostly Youtube.

This site is an attempt to fix that. They say that nothing ever disappears from the Internet, but that couldn’t be more wrong. Things go missing all the time. If someone puts their soul into make something they love, and no one sees it, we can’t guarantee that what they made will always exist. When it’s gone one day, it’ll be like it never existed. That’s a deeply sad thought to me. If I keep spending the rest of my time consuming content from the same three infinite-scrolling algorithm hellhole “platforms”, I’ll eventually leave this world without having left anything permanent, something to be remembered. I love projects like Neocities and the Wayback Machine because it gives me a chance to leave my mark.

So I want you, whoever is reading this, to know, from the bottom of my heart…

Thank you for being here.